Here Comes CBN: What is Cannabinol?
It was still the 19th century when the first cannabinoid was isolated and its structure elucidated by researchers. Cannabinol (CBN) took its place in history as the first cannabinoid ever discovered more than a century ago. And then it was largely ignored.
Now, though, researchers are examining CBN anew. Having developed the theory of the entourage effect, or phytocannabinoids working together in tandem to alter and amplify one another’s effects, researchers recognize now that CBN might have a larger role to play in health and wellness than previously suspected.
What exactly is CBN?
CBN is a minor cannabinoid that typically develops as a byproduct of aging Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). When harvested or aging cannabis plants are exposed to heat, light, and oxygen for long periods of time, THC begins to change and break down. As part of that conversion, CBN is formed as a metabolite.
For this reason, CBN is usually found in old cannabis, regardless of strain. Still, there are some strains that are naturally higher in CBN content even when freshly harvested. These include the sativa landrace strain Durban Poison and the sweet and fruity Bubblegum. However, what constitutes a “high” CBN content still pales in comparison to typical THC levels in fresh flower.
What are the benefits of CBN?
CBN is making waves for its anti-inflammatory properties. Like many other cannabinoids, CBN offers anti-inflammatory benefits that can help with pain and other conditions.
High-CBN cannabis products often promote relaxation and ease worry. CBN may help with sleep, but not because of its effect on its own: CBN amplifies THC’s sleep-inducing effects.
CBN may have neuroprotective properties. Researchers were able to delay the onset of symptoms related to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or Lou Gehrig’s Disease with CBN. While only preliminary, the results are encouraging.
CBN also appears to serve as an effective anti-convulsant. Studies suggest that CBN not only offers anti-convulsant properties of its own, but can also improve the performance of THC and CBD in that regard.
Researchers have tested CBN’s anti-bacterial ability with promising results as well: a rodent study conducted in 2008 demonstrated that CBN was effective at treating antibiotic-resistant MRSA.
How does CBN work?
Like most other cannabinoids, CBN works by interacting with (or otherwise influencing) a series of receptors and chemicals in the body known collectively as the endogenous cannabinoid system (ECS). Within the ECS there are two types of receptors, clustered in the central nervous system and immune system, respectively, but also distributed widely throughout the body. These are known as the CB1 receptor and CB2 receptor.
CBN has a higher affinity for interacting with the CB2 receptor than for the CB1 receptor. For this reason, it is believed to have a greater effect on the immune system than the central nervous system, though it can certainly influence processes associated with both systems.
CBN products at Trulieve
Accessibility to CBN has increased with the help of a patent-pending process developed by Tony Verzura of Blue River™ that rapidly converts THCa to THC to CBN, accelerating the natural aging process. This process is solventless, meaning that it does not rely on the use of any solvents or chemicals like alcohol, and it is in its purest form, avoiding any residues.
Trulieve CBN capsules, like other capsules, are oil-based. Patients can tailor their experience by micro-dosing during the day with a 5mg capsule to help with pain relief or rising anxiety. Consumers can increase their dosage at night to 10mg and have an experience of calm, relaxed sleep. Depending on the dosage, the duration can last anywhere from 4 to 6 hours and its onset time can be up to 2 hours.
CBN is available in a 5mg capsule with 30 total capsules per container. The CBN capsules contain trace amounts of other cannabinoids as well, such as CBG, THC, CBD, and Delta 8 THC. CBN capsules will be deducted from a Patient’s Medical Marijuana Oral route.
Is CBN the next cannabinoid in your routine?
Interested in adding CBN to your regimen of relief? It’s never been more accessible than it is now, coming in easy to consume forms like capsules and softgels. And, as researchers uncover more and more therapeutic potential with this minor cannabinoid, it might be just the addition you’ve been missing.